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General trademark guidelines

It is important to use SimCorp (including its subsidiaries) trademarks correctly in order to communicate proper ownership, to ensure SimCorp is not misrepresented and to ensure third parties are not misled as to any SimCorp sponsorships, affiliations, or endorsements of other companies, products or services. The following guidelines explain how to use SimCorp’s trademarks in different scenarios.

Referring to SimCorp trademarks in ordinary text 

As long as the guidelines below are followed, it is permissible to use SimCorp’s trademark or product names.

When referring to SimCorp trademarks, the correct trademark symbol must be used in accordance with the list of trademarks below.

If a name or logo does not appear on the list below, this does not constitute a waiver of any intellectual property rights that SimCorp or its subsidiaries have established in any of their product, feature, or service names or logos.

  • Trademark: SimCorp logo | Status: ®
  • Trademark: SimCorp | Status: ®
  • Trademark: SimCorp Dimension | Status: ®
  • Trademark: SimCorp Services | Status: ™
  • Trademark: SimCorp Standard Platforms | Status: ™
  • Trademark: SimCorp Coric | Status: ®
  • Trademark: SimCorp Sofia | Status: ™
  • Trademark: Sofia by SimCorp | Status: ™
  • Trademark: Axioma by SimCorp | Status: ™
  • Trademark: SimCorp One | Status: ™
  • Trademark: SimCorp Gain | Status: ™
  • Trademark: Sofia | Status: ® (property of SimCorp Italiana S.r.L)
  • Trademark: AXIOMA | Status: ® (property of Axioma, Inc.)
  • Trademark: AXIOMA logo | Status: ® (property of Axioma, Inc.)
  • Trademark: AXIOMA PORTFOLIO OPTIMIZER | Status: ™ (property of Axioma, Inc.)
  • Trademark: AXIOMA BACKTESTER | Status: ™ (property of Axioma, Inc.)
  • Trademark: AXIOMA ROBUST RISK MODEL | Status: ™ (property of Axioma, Inc.)
  • Trademark: ALPHA ALIGNMENT FACTOR | Status: ™ (property of Axioma, Inc.)
  • Trademark: QUICKSWITCH TRIAL | Status: ™ (property of Axioma, Inc.)
  • Trademark: ROOF SCORE | Status: ™ (property of Axioma, Inc.)
  • Trademark: AXIOMABLUE| Status: ® (property of Axioma, Inc.)
  • Trademark: FLEXIBLE IS BETTER | Status: ® (property of Axioma, Inc.)

SimCorp trademarks must always be referred to in full and capitalized correctly. For example, always use 'SimCorp Dimension® and never 'Simcorp dimension' or only 'Dimension'. The first time a SimCorp trademark is used in a text, or in another prominent position, the trademark status must be also be shown. However, following this, it is not necessary to show the trademark status.

A trademark notice must be used in the credit, legal notice or disclaimer section of documents or advertisements to attribute the ownership of trademarks of SimCorp and/or its subsidiaries as follows (and as to be adapted according to the marks used):

  • SimCorp, the SimCorp logo, SimCorp Dimension, SimCorp Coric, SimCorp Services and SimCorp Standard Platforms are either registered or unregistered trademarks of SimCorp A/S in Denmark and/or other countries. Axioma and the Axioma logo are registered trademarks of Axioma, Inc. Sofia is a registered trademark of SimCorp Italiana S.r.l. 

Only with prior written consent of SimCorp A/S may SimCorp’s products and services names be used on packaging, on websites and in advertising materials to indicate product compatibility with a specific SimCorp product or service.


It is permissible to place a text link to a SimCorp Web page on a website if the text link is not a prominent feature on the site and is not used in a way that could confuse or mislead other parties. It is also permissible to refer to the SimCorp company name or SimCorp product and service names in a plain text font and format, provided this use follows the trademark guidelines herein and appropriate wording is included such as 'Click this link to' It is not permissible to use the SimCorp corporate logo or any other SimCorp logo or graphic to link to SimCorp.


It is not permissible to use any SimCorp trademark in the title of a website or as a second-level domain name. It is not permissible to use any SimCorp logo without a license or written permission from SimCorp A/S